ZiPhone 2.5 - iPhone 1.1.4 Jailbreak + Unlock

ZiPhone 2.5 - iPhone 1.1.4 Jailbreak + Unlock
ZiPhone 2.5 - iPhone 1.1.4 Jailbreak + Unlock. Zibri has announced that the other jailbreak GUI-offering has been updated to work with the iPhone v1.1.4. As expected, ZiPhone 2.5 is an update to the ZiPhone 2.4 jailbreak tool for iPhones running the previous v1.1.3 firmware.

ZiPhone 2.5 works just like ZiPhone 2.4 - which is to say that it'll jailbreak, unlock, and even activate your iPhone v1.1.4, regardless of when you bought it (Bootloader versions 3.9 and 4.6 are good to go). And, while iNdependence is a Mac-only solution (for now), ZiPhone 2.5 does its magic on both Windows and Mac machines!

You can download ZiPhone 2.5 from the official website.
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2 comments on "ZiPhone 2.5 - iPhone 1.1.4 Jailbreak + Unlock"

Toan Nguyen said...

Does ZiPhone 2.5 include anysim for 1.1.4?

I have an iphone with 1.1.2 unlocked and work with anysim. I'm wondering whether after upgrade to 1.1.4, run Ziphone2.5, I still can use anysim?

multicellphone said...

Only v1.1.3 iPhones with Bootloader v3.9 will work with anySIM v1.3.

btw, ZiPhone 3.0 is already available..

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