BlackBerry Eclipse JDE Plug-in

BlackBerry Eclipse JDE Plug-in
BlackBerry Eclipse JDE Plug-in. RIM announced a BlackBerry Java Development Environment (JDE) plug-in for Eclipse to enable Eclipse developers to create and test robust mobile apps for the BlackBerry platform using the familiar Integrated Development Environment (IDE). In addition, the Canadian company also announced that it has become a member of the Eclipse Foundation.

The BlackBerry JDE Plug-in for Eclipse:
+ Enables you to write, test and compile Java Mobile Edition (Java ME) applications that run on BlackBerry smartphones
+ Simulates the entire end-to-end online and offline user experience of a broad range of BlackBerry smartphones from your desktop
+ Features the integration of key Java Specification Requests (JSRs) that enable you to take advantage of the latest Java ME developments in creating a superior mobile application
+ Allows you to take advantage of the unique strengths of developing for the BlackBerry platform, including:
o Integration with native smartphone applications to provide users with a seamless BlackBerry experience
o Limiting the need to understand the complex connection transport protocols required for wireless application development
o Leveraging the BlackBerry solution’s push capabilities
o Award-winning security features enstill confidence because the data being communicated by your applications will remain confidential

You can download a beta version of the plug-in from
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