Nokia Locate Sensor to keep track of things

Nokia Locate Sensor to keep track of things
Nokia Locate Sensor to keep track of things. Nokia has unveiled a project of their research and development arm, it's 'Nokia Locate Sensor', a tiny gadget that can be attached to anything precious and then which communicates with your S60 cellphone to help people keep track of their things, ensuring we never lose anything again. If the previously mentioned gadget then gets separated from you, you can track it down (direction and distance) up to 100 metres away.

The battery powered tag runs for up to 18 months, but if the tag is made bigger it could accommodate a bigger battery and longer life. If you drop something the phone application is designed to automatically alert you and help you hone in on the object within a distance of up to 100 metres. It transmits a simple signal, and doesn’t use GPS, so it can be used inside and isn’t a battery killer.

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