Doodle Kids - Painting app for iPhone by a 9 year old developer

Doodle Kids - Painting app for iPhone by a 9 year old developer
Doodle Kids - Painting app for iPhone by a 9 year old developer. Doodle Kids is a painting app written by Lim Ding Wen, a 9 year old iPhone developer living in Singapore. The application is designed specially for his sisters and all the kids in the world.

Doodle Kids is initially written by Ding Wen for the Apple IIGS computer, and is ported to iPhone with the original Super Hires color palette. Doodle Kids will draw random shapes in random colors with random sizes to create a beautiful effect. To clear the screen, you can simply shake the device! Tap with two fingers to clear the screen in random color. To save the picture, simply do a screen capture by holding down the Home and Power buttons simultaneously.

In case you want to download the painting application, Doodle Kids by Lim Ding Wen is available for FREE via the Apple's AppStore.

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