Samsung teamed up with Ideaworks to add SamsungApps support to AirplaySDK

Samsung teamed up with Ideaworks to add SamsungApps support to Airplay SDK
Samsung and Ideaworks are announcing an ongoing partnership to deliver a range of application developer tools and content services. Initially, this will comprise of Ideaworks adding SamsungApps support to the latest incarnation of their native development Airplay Software Development Kit (SDK).
This first element of the partnership will offer significant benefits to both application developers and Samsung mobile users alike. In the case of developers, by adding Samsung Apps support this opens up opportunity on Samsung platforms supported by Airplay. Developers can start with Airplay SDK in advance of these phone launches so that applications that leverage their unique capabilities hit the market at the same time as the devices.

With Airplay, these new platforms can be addressed by a single binary of an application, dramatically improving the economics of multi-platform development. Airplay will attract new developers to SamsungApps' platforms, offering more variety and creativity to the expanding SamsungApps portfolio and, as a native platform, there are no compromises in performance so the user experience is enhanced.

For consumers, the partnership will allow the rapid migration of the world's best applications to Samsung devices. This rich portfolio of applications will create a more diverse and personal experience that will engender a true bond with the Samsung handsets.

With Airplay SDK allowing developers to use a 'One Push to Deploy' approach across all platforms the economics of mobile application software development begins to make sense.
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