Google Maps for Mobile updated - finding businesses now easier

Google Maps for Mobile updated - finding businesses now easier
Google Maps for Mobile updated - finding businesses now easier. Google has launched a server-side change that makes it easier to get directions to businesses.

You can now get directions to restaurants, stores, and other points of interest by entering their names in the start or end point. Before the update when you entered a business name, "starbucks" for example, as the end or start point, Google Maps for mobile did not understand that you meant Starbucks the business. Rather, Google Maps for mobile would search for an address with "starbucks" in it.

Google Maps for mobile now recognizes when your end or start point is a business and not an address. You can try setting "starbucks" or "mcdonald's" as an end point when getting directions, and see what happens. If you don't already have Google Maps for mobile, visit on your phone to download it.
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